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How Upholstery Cleaning Can Save Your Business Money

Here at Rogers Cleaning, we’ve been in the cleaning services game for a while now; twenty five years, to be exact! One of the reasons for our impressive (if we say so ourselves) longevity has been our honesty. When we declare that our upholstery cleaning service can save your business money, therefore, it’s not a statement that we make lightly!

It’s an old cliché in business that sometimes, in order to make money, you have to spend money. In this case, however, it is certainly true. If you have dirty furniture in your business – whether it be a bar, restaurant, office or anything else – we’re guessing you have one of two thoughts. One: you think the furniture is past the point of no return, and needs to be replaced. Two: you think you, or one of your employees, will be able to sort out the furniture instead of calling in a cleaning company, and thus save yourself some money.

To answer the first point: if you actually need new furniture in your business environment, as part of a revamp perhaps, then that’s fine; we won’t argue with you! If you feel like you’re being forced into the change, however, simply because the furniture is looking dirty, we’d ask you to think again. Rather than commit to that huge outlay, we’d strongly urge you to look into upholstery cleaning. Businesspeople from across Exeter, Teignmouth and further afield have been stunned time and again at the resurrection jobs we’ve managed to pull off in their workplaces.

Secondly, taking the DIY option might seem like a smart, money-saving business decision, but we have to tell you that it often works out exactly the opposite way. Upholstery cleaning sounds easy: you just get a bottle of magical cleaning spray and go crazy, right?! Well, there is a little more to it than that. Rogers Cleaning’s own four-step upholstery cleaning method has been honed over many years, and has been proven to work time and time again. We completely understand why people try to clean their own furniture in their bar, restaurant or office, but please understand that it’s actually a very risky decision, which has a high chance of backfiring and costing you way more in the long run.

We hope we’ve made a pretty convincing argument so far, but we’d like to take it one step further. That’s because we believe that upholstery cleaning can not only save your business money; it can actually help you make even more money.

In the vast majority of businesses, appearances are absolutely crucial. One of the things about your business environment that you can almost guarantee customers will notice is dirty furniture. If they see it, your prospects are instantly reduced. Ask yourself these simple questions: are you more likely to go back time and again to the bar or restaurant with dirty furniture, or clean furniture? Are you more likely to do business in an office with grubby-looking upholstery, or lovely, clean upholstery?

Again, we do understand that you may be hesitant to spend extra money on something like upholstery cleaning, which might not appear to be vital. However, when you consider the positive financial benefits that clean upholstery can have, and the opposite effects from dirty furniture, you can quickly see how this occasional outlay can more than pay for itself.

If you want to not only save your South-West business money, but potentially start making more money, contact Rogers Cleaning today for expert upholstery cleaning. You can call us on 01626 864834 or 07803 616192, or use our website to message us here.

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