Most of us label an area as “clean” if it appears free of dirt and grime. But how well can the human eye really see?
And is the human eye the best way to measure the cleanliness of your home? Whether you have 20/20 vision or have been a glasses-wearer since your school days, your vision is nowhere near strong enough to detect dust particles on your carpet. In Teignmouth, we know how dirty our carpets can get. With the amount of heavy rainfall and our seaside location, mud gets tracked into our homes frequently.
While it may seem easy enough to clean up- probably with a rag and some store-bought carpet cleaner- it’s impossible to get your carpets as clean as they should be on your own. Professional cleaners are much stronger than store-bought cleaners, which often contain dangerous chemicals. But how often do you actually call a professional carpet cleaner to service your home? Judging by how dirty the carpets in most homes we visit are, we’re going to guess that you don’t hire professionals often enough.
While cleaning your carpets on your own works well enough in a pinch, the reality is that your carpet is much dirty than you can imagine and even dirtier than you can fix on your own. You may think that dirt that you can’t see is no big deal. As long as it’s not drawing attention, why bother fixing it, right? Wrong. Dirty carpets can be extremely dangerous to both yourself and anyone else who lives in your home.
Did you know that dirty carpets can be the source of respiratory problems and a weak immune system? When Teignmouth carpets have gone too long without a wash, moisture can gather, which can then mix with existing bacteria and dirt to cause mold. Dirty carpets can also trap allergens much easier than clean carpet. Mold and allergens on their own can make someone sick, but mixed together, they’re a recipe for disaster. When someone inhales this mold, it can cause severe respiratory issues and, if they’re prone to asthma, it can also trigger asthma attacks.
Dirty carpets can also contribute to a weak immune system. This may sound far fetched, but it’s true! When your body is exposed to excessive amounts of mold and bacteria, your immune system can kick into overdrive, which can tire it out easier, thus leaving your body exposed to diseases.
Essentially, if you don’t get your carpet deep cleaned often enough, the mold exposure can cause you and your family to become incredibly sick. We don’t want to see that happen. At Rogers Cleaning, we believe that every family should have clean carpets. Give us a call today to request a quote and take the first step towards improving the health of your family.